This Week in English | April 6-12, 2020

We’re Here For You

Our motto since March 11 has been “Let’s make it to May and take it from there.” As we endeavor to learn together, while apart and under duress, I want every student to know that the faculty in the English Department are here for you, not just to help with a particular class, but with your path to completion in all your classes, with your plans for the fall, with your decisions about graduate study and internships (more below) and careers after graduation. Please do not hesitate to reach out to any of us, with any of your concerns, and we’ll work to connect you to the resources that will help you handle this abrupt and bewildering change of scene. 

Internship Info Session This Wednesday 

Worried that your internship for this summer might get cancelled? Want to pursue an internship but not sure how during the COVID-19 pandemic? Join Professor Katie Swacha on Wednesday, April 8 from 11:00-noon for an Internship Info Session via Zoom. We will discuss 

    • how internships opportunities might change given social distancing, 
    • how to prepare in advance for such changes, and 
    • how you might create your own ‘digital internship’ to help organizations who may be in desperate need. 

She is also happy to answer any other questions you have about internships and to hear your thoughts! To receive a Zoom invite, email

Fogler Daily Research Drop-ins on Zoom 

To assist students working remotely, the Fogler Reference Department will be holding open research drop-ins via Zoom every weekday from 12:00pm – 2:00pm (EDT). Students are encouraged to join these open sessions with any research questions they may have.

Book and Screen 

We were to have hosted poet Marianne Boruch in the New Writing Series this Thursday but will now have to await a visit next academic year. Her poem Book and Screen reads a little differently in our new, and temporary, “remote only” environment. As, more ominously, does her long poem Keats Is Coughing. In December of 2018, Boruch participated in a dialog with Ellen Bryant Voigt on “Voices in Remembrance of the 1918 Influenza: Kyrie,” a videorecording of which is available here.


Be in touch with your news for the next bulletin, and until then, warm best wishes to everyone. 


This Week in English 82 was sent to faculty, students, and friends of the department on Monday, April 6, 2020. If you would rather not receive these weekly bulletins, please reply with <unsubscribe> in your subject line. Earlier installments are archived on our website.

If you would like to support the mission of the English Department, please consider a donation to the Annual Fund through this secure online portal

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