This Week in English | February 1-7, 2021

Deadline for Submissions to The Open Field Extended

Taking into account the late start to the spring semester, student editors Lily Comeau-Waite and Nola Prevost have decided to extend the deadline for submission to this year’s edition of the undergraduate literary journal The Open Field until Friday, February 5. Submissions are welcome at (more information on attached flyer).

Black History Month Programming

A partial overview of events and programs commemorating Black History Month can be found here. Others are in the works, including a celebration of the legacy of poet Langston Hughes to be sponsored by the Collins Center for the Arts at the end of the month (look for details in the next bulletin). The Library of America is hosting a discussion of Hughes on the anniversary of his first published poem on February 18 (register here). And the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library has been posting material related to Hughes on their Instagram account

Virtual Career Fair on Wednesday

The Career Center is hosting a virtual version of its annual Career Fair this Wednesday from 9am to 3pm. English majors and minors who are interested in participating are encouraged to contact Kathryn Swacha for tips on making the most of the occasion.

Biosphere Talk on Thursday

James K. Boyce, a professor emeritus at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst will speak on Thursday about “carbon dividends as universal property.” Boyce argues that: 

The limited capacity of the biosphere to safely absorb carbon emissions can and should be regarded as universal property—a resource that belongs to everyone in common and equal measure. Unlike private property, universal property cannot be bought or sold, or owned by corporations, or concentrated in a few hands. Unlike public property, it belongs directly to the people rather than to the government. Universal property is individual, inalienable, and perfectly egalitarian.

The talk at 12:30  is the first of the spring semester in the Socialist and Marxist Studies Series coordinated by Michael Swacha. Registration and further information can be found here.

English Department Drop-By on Friday

Toward the end of the fall semester, the department began hosting virtual drop-bys on Friday afternoons to talk informally about matters of mutual interest and to compare notes on the week that was. A nice mix of majors, minors, graduate students, professors, and even a number of alumni joined the conversation from one week to the next and created a warm and generous online literary salon. We’ll gather again this Friday at 4pm and keep the space open until about 5:30 (Zoom link here). Feel free to drop by for just a few minutes or to stay a spell: we’d love to see you!

Covid Reminder

If you or people you know in the UMaine community have concerns about COVID-19 symptoms, close contact or a positive test, call the COVID-19 info line at 207-581-2681 or fill out the online self-reporting form or email


This Week in English 91 was sent to faculty, students, and friends of the department on Monday, February 1, 2021. If you would rather not receive these weekly bulletins, please reply with <unsubscribe> in your subject line. Earlier installments are archived on our website.

If you would like to support the mission of the English Department, please consider a donation to the Annual Fund through this secure online portal.