Class Projects

Both undergraduate and graduate students in the English Department work closely with faculty to develop their skills as writers, researchers, and scholars, and to produce documents that would be candidates for academic or professional publication.  Some examples of student work and class projects are archived here.

Spring 2024

ENG 542: Topics in North American Literature: Nineteenth-Century America and the Present (Friedlander)

Oceanic Perspectives of 19th Century Literature

A note from the students: “This semester, we considered a re-periodization of 19th Century American literature as we explored texts centered on race and gender. The arbitrary nature of categorization calls for a willingness to be fluid in our perceptions of literary periods, especially for periods of literature in which works have been lost, hidden, or suppressed. In her introduction, Sarah Spencer asks us to renegotiate our perception of literary periods by thinking of them as oceans. This oceanic reconception can invite fluidity and encourage a space of renegotiation for the future. In their essays, Reagan Emmerling, Maryam Sami Khan, Christopher Gardner, Alexander Strout, Amanda Garrod, April Messier, Equinox Charette, and Miracle M. Gant explore texts from across the 19th Century and challenge their readers to consider these oceanic perspectives of the period.”


Spring 2019

ENG 549: Studies in Gender Literature: The Personal Is Political — Adrienne Rich and Others (Friedlander)

antagonism play poem letter investigation essay dialogue response inspiration companion homage

A mixed-genre collection of writings on Adrienne Rich by K. Dubois, Kristina King, Cassidy Marsh, Tyler Tallmadge. Stephen Thomas N. Krichels, Martin Conte, Victoria Hood, Rebecca Tkacs, Matthew Hammond, and Ryan Stovall.


Spring 2016

ENG 541 — American Literature Colonial to Romantic: The Biopolitical Nineteenth Century (Friedlander)

Governance and Resistance

A collection of biopolitical analyses of nineteenth-century life and literature by Kaitlyn Abrams, Sarah Doucette, Richard Fortuna, Ryan Gonyar,
Mushira Habib, Elizabeth Hornsey, and Saveena Veeramoothoo, with a preface by Benjamin Friedlander.


Spring 2014

ENG 170 — Foundations of Literary Analysis (Friedlander)

Newsreel Song Compilation

A Reference Guide for John Dos Passos’s U.S.A Trilogy, with links to audio versions of songs cited in the novels.