
Front dustjacket of hardcover edition of Becoming Modern: The University of Maine, 1965-2015, which was recently published by the UMaine Press.

This Week in English | February 5-11, 2024

A Glimpse into Three English Classes This spring, Jonathan Barron is teaching a section of ENG 381: Themes in Literature devoted to the topic of “poetry and myth.” He writes in with this welcome update:  For the week of February 5th, the class on myth and American poetry will read Melvin Tolson’s “Rendezvous with America,” […]

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This Week in English | January 29-February 4, 2024

Deadline to Contribute to Spire on Thursday   Second year MA student Cora Sadler is Editor-in-Chief of Spire: The Maine Journal of Conservation and Sustainability. She writes to remind everyone that the deadline for consideration of submissions is this Thursday, February 1. Here’s the pitch: Looking for artwork reflecting on humanity’s intricate and embedded relationship with […]

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This Week in English | January 22-28, 2024

Welcome Back Did you know that the English Department is host to several informal spaces in Neville Hall where majors, minors, and Master’s students are welcome to read, talk, do group work, or just hang out between classes?  The booklined Ulrich Wicks Reading Room is in the English Department and has comfy couches as well […]

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This Week In English | December 11, 2023

This Week in English December 11, 2023 Buchanan Alumni House Open to Students During Finals Week Kathy Hill is the House Manager at Buchanan Alumni House and she wrote this morning with this invitation to students who are preparing for finals this week:   Each semester, we close Buchanan to events during finals week and open […]

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This Week In English | December 4, 2023

This Week in English December 4, 2023 The last week of classes got underway this morning with fresh snow underfoot and flocking the trees. It’s portfolio submission time for the 800 or so students taking ENG 101 this fall, and for the rest of us it’s the sprint to finals week, with poem recitations, project […]

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This Week In English | November 20, 2023

This Week in English November 20, 2023 Morgan Talty Presents Online Tomorrow at 6pm The Holocaust and Human Rights Center of Maine is hosting a virtual evening of reading and conversation with Morgan Talty on Tuesday, November 21st from 6–7:30.  Talty’s breakout story collection Night of the Living Rez has won widespread critical acclaim, becoming […]

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This Week In English | November 13, 2023

This Week in English November 13, 2023 MA Student and Former McGillicuddy Fellow Abigail Roberts Presents Today While she was a McGillicuddy Humanities Center Undergraduate Fellow current MA student Abigail Roberts wrote an Honors Thesis under the supervision of Sarah Harlan-Haughey titled Otherworldly Ethics: Trouthe and the Fairy Mistress in the Lays of Lanval, Graelent, […]

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This Week In English | November 6, 2023

This Week in English November 6, 2023 Rosalie Purvis Presents in WGS@Work Series on Thursday The Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Program is set to present the latest installment of their WGS@Work series on November 9 from 4:00 – 5:30 PM at the IMRC. This entry is titled “Now that Separateness is Unassailable” and will […]

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This Week in English | October 30, 2023

English Majors Volunteer for Admissions Open House Nicole LeBlanc, Finlee LeBouef, and Gabriella Shetreet sacrificed the better part of a warm sunny late-October morning to the good cause of welcoming prospective students with an interest in English to the University of Maine on Saturday, October 28. All three are current students in ENG 271: Act […]

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This Week in English | October 23, 2023

Morgan Talty Visits Writers of Maine Morgan Talty visited Jody Crouse’s ENG 244: Writers of Maine class last week to discuss his acclaimed collection of stories Night of the Living Rez. Professor Crouse offers this account of the visit: Talty talked with students about how these are, in fact, Maine stories, how he gets ideas […]

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