Aaron Thibodeau
Aaron Thibodeau (He/Him)
Graduate Teaching Assistant
Office: Neville Hall 107
Email: aaron.thibodeau@maine.edu
Courses Taught: English 101: College Composition
Originally from West Enfield, Maine, I received my BA in English with a concentration in Creative Writing from Colby College where I also worked as a head tutor in the Farnham Writers’ Center. Currently I am an English Graduate TA working towards my MA in English with a concentration in Creative Writing. Outside of teaching, my areas of interest and research consist of fairy tales, monstrosity, and creative agency. Inspirations in my own writing include Cormac McCarthy, Ray Bradbury, and the cinematic works of Hayao Miyazaki. Hobbies outside of my studies include cooking, gardening, looking into myths, legends, and folklore, and spending time with my dog, Hildegarde.