Program Outcomes

Candidates for the Master of Arts in English will: 

1. think of themselves as scholars doing meaningful work. They demonstrate their orientation to the field of English Studies by: 

a. investigating issues pertinent to historical and contemporary conversations and controversies in the field; 

b. employing rigorous and disciplinarily appropriate methods informed by relevant theory and methodology; 

c. constructing a coherent account of their graduate study that extends beyond the unit of the individual seminar or program of study; and 

d. participating actively and ethically in the scholarly community by: 

i. developing their inquiries in the broader context of their professional and/or creative field(s) of interest; and 

ii. framing their own work relative to relevant scholarship and events. 

2. develop relevant content-knowledges. They demonstrate their familiarity with the field of English Studies by: 

a. critically reading texts across genres and historical periods; and 

b. engaging a range of scholarly interests, investments, and approaches that characterize contemporary English Studies. 

3. hone their writing practices. They demonstrate participation in the field of English Studies by: 

a. effectively using discourse conventions of academic research-writing; 

b. drafting and revising sustained works of scholarship that attend ethically to evidence, are persuasively reasoned, and are measured in their conclusions; and 

c. if appropriate, producing original creative works that show aesthetic cohesion and engagement with literary conventions 

4. demonstrate a critical self-awareness. They demonstrate their conscientious relationship to the field of English Studies by: 

a. carefully identifying and framing the historical and cultural contexts of their own intellectual projects; 

b. cultivating a recursive relationship with their own writing, making use of drafting and revision cycles (alone and with colleagues) to further develop their analytic thinking; 

c. constructing accounts of their composing decisions in light of their own authorial intent, in response to disciplinary demands, and/or as part of an ongoing intellectual path; and 

d. articulating the intellectual growth and professional skills obtained throughout the program in terms of how they will help them advance their next academic/professional/personal goals. 

Adopted by the Graduate Studies Committee on February 26, 2020 and unanimously ratified by the Department on April 22, 2020.

Candidates for the Bachelor of Arts in English

Outcome 1: Sources

Students should demonstrate the ability to situate their work and the work of others within creative, scholarly, or research traditions. More specifically, students should exhibit the ability to:

  1. assess the uses and limitations of primary source material and, where relevant, secondary and tertiary sources;
  2. recognize the influences of language, form, convention, genre, and/or perspective on their understanding of the texts they work with; and
  3. distinguish their own ideas, texts, and perspectives from those of their sources/influences.


  1. Rubric: Information Literacy.

Dimension: Evaluating Information and Its Sources Critically.

“Chooses a variety of information sources appropriate to the scope and discipline of the research question. Selects sources after considering the importance (to the researched topic) of the multiple criteria used (such as relevance to the research question, currency, authority, audience, and bias or point of view).”

  1. Rubric: Reading.

Dimension: Genres.

“Uses ability to identify texts within and across genres, monitoring and adjusting reading strategies and expectations based on generic nuances of particular texts.”

Rubric: Critical Thinking.

Dimension: Influence of Context and Assumptions.

“Thoroughly (systematically and methodically) analyzes own and others’ assumptions and carefully evaluates the relevance of contexts when presenting a position.”

  1. Rubric: Reading.

Dimension: Reader’s Voice.

“Discusses texts with an independent intellectual and ethical disposition so as to further or maintain disciplinary conversations.”


Papers or final projects from 400-level literature and writing seminars.

Outcome 2: Analysis

Students should demonstrate the ability to think critically about texts, concepts, theories, and/or interpretive frameworks. More specifically, students should exhibit:

  1. the ability to analyze, synthesize, and transform source materials;
  2. awareness of the relevant historical, social, and material conditions and/or philosophical and cultural perspectives that shape their sources and influence interpretive practices; and
  3. the ability to make meaningful use of concepts, theories, and/or interpretive frameworks in developing their work.


  1. Rubric: Inquiry and Analysis.

Dimension: Analysis.

“Organizes and synthesizes evidence to reveal insightful patterns, differences, or similarities related to focus.”

  1. Rubric: Intercultural Knowledge and Competence.

Dimension: Knowledge: Knowledge of Cultural Worldview Frameworks.

“Demonstrates sophisticated understanding of the complexity of elements important to members of another culture [or other position or historical moment in own culture] in relation to its history, values, politics, communication styles, economy, or beliefs and practices.”

  1. Rubric: Reading.

Dimension: Interpretation.

“Provides evidence not only that s/he can read by using an appropriate epistemological lens but that s/he can also engage in reading as part of a continuing dialogue within and beyond a discipline or a community of readers.”


Papers or final projects from 400-level literature and writing seminars.

Outcome 3: Articulation

Students should demonstrate the ability to recognize the need for and then make decisions about context, audience, purpose, and genre. More specifically, students should exhibit the ability to:

  1. frame and pursue a sustained inquiry or develop and complete a project in their area of study;
  2. develop, deploy, and adapt relevant genre conventions and interpretive and/or problem-solving strategies; and
  3. shape their work for relevant reception, purpose, and/or context.


  1. Rubric: Foundations and Skills for Lifelong Learning.

Dimension: Initiative.

“Completes required work, generates and pursues opportunities to expand knowledge, skills, and abilities.”

  1. Rubric: Written Communication.

Dimension: Genre and Disciplinary Conventions: Formal and Informal Rules Inherent in the Expectations for Writing in Particular Forms and/or Academic Fields.

“Demonstrates a detailed attention to and successful execution of a wide range of conventions particular to a specific discipline and/or writing task(s) including organization, content, presentation, formatting, and stylistic choices.”

Rubric: Creative Thinking.

Dimension: Innovative Thinking: Novelty or Uniqueness (of Idea, Claim, Question, Form, Etc.).

“Extends a novel or unique idea, question, format, or product to create new knowledge or knowledge that crosses boundaries.”

  1. Rubric: Written Communication.

Dimension: Context of and Purpose for Writing: Includes Considerations of Audience, Purpose, and the Circumstances Surrounding the Writing Task(s).

“Demonstrates a thorough understanding of context, audience, and purpose that is responsive to the assigned task(s) and focuses all elements of the work.”


Papers or final projects from 400-level literature and writing seminars.

Adopted June 15, 2017