Author: nprevost

This Week in English | April 22-28, 2024

CLAS Awards This Afternoon This afternoon in Wells Commons, the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences will celebrate its annual award ceremony starting at 3:30pm and English will be well represented. Sarah Harlan-Haughey is the recipient of this  year’s C. Wickham Skinner Humanities Award. Paige McHatten will be recognized as the CLAS Outstanding Graduating Senior and Mollie Glueck will receive the […]

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This Week in English | April 15-21, 2024

MA Student Symposium This Thursday Evening  The English Graduate Student Association will host the annual spring symposium celebrating the creative and scholarly work of the department’s MA students this Thursday, April 18 from 5-8pm in the Writing Center (Neville 402). The full program can be consulted here. You can browse EGSA merch on Bonfire, featuring […]

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This Week in English | April 8-14, 2024

The Open Field Launch Party This Thursday The late-season Nor’easter that closed campus last Thursday cannot stop the blossoming of another edition of the annual undergraduate literary journal, The Open Field, which we will celebrate with a launch party this Thursday afternoon beginning at 4pm in the Writing Center. Refreshments will be served. For more […]

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This Week in English | March 4-10, 2024

Jonathan Barron to Co-Lead Poetry Roundtable on “the New Lyric” at Robert Frost Sesquicentennial in San Diego  Scholars from across the world will gather in San Diego later this month to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the birth of the poet Robert Frost.  Professors Natalie Gerber and Jonathan Barron will lead a 3-day (March 22-23) […]

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This Week in English | February 26-March 3, 2024

A Glimpse into ENG 222: Reading Poems This Tuesday English MA student Michelle Hoeckel-Neal will lead a discussion of white supremacy culture in Ben Friedlander‘s section of ENG 222: Reading Poems. Her visit kicks off two weeks of focus on the visible and invisible work of whiteness in poetry. Last summer, Hoeckel-Neal and Friedlander joined […]

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This Week in English | February 19-25, 2024

English Major Kiera Campbell Named as Wiggins Humanities Fellow  Kiera Campbell, a junior majoring in English from Buxton, Maine, was named the David ’64 and Alison ’71 Wiggin Humanities Fellow for her proposed research project “Getting To Know A Dead Man: The De-Deification of Brian (A Non-Case Study).” Kirsten Jacobson, associate professor in the Department […]

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This Week In English | December 11, 2023

This Week in English December 11, 2023 Buchanan Alumni House Open to Students During Finals Week Kathy Hill is the House Manager at Buchanan Alumni House and she wrote this morning with this invitation to students who are preparing for finals this week:   Each semester, we close Buchanan to events during finals week and open […]

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This Week In English | December 4, 2023

This Week in English December 4, 2023 The last week of classes got underway this morning with fresh snow underfoot and flocking the trees. It’s portfolio submission time for the 800 or so students taking ENG 101 this fall, and for the rest of us it’s the sprint to finals week, with poem recitations, project […]

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This Week In English | November 20, 2023

This Week in English November 20, 2023 Morgan Talty Presents Online Tomorrow at 6pm The Holocaust and Human Rights Center of Maine is hosting a virtual evening of reading and conversation with Morgan Talty on Tuesday, November 21st from 6–7:30.  Talty’s breakout story collection Night of the Living Rez has won widespread critical acclaim, becoming […]

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This Week In English | November 13, 2023

This Week in English November 13, 2023 MA Student and Former McGillicuddy Fellow Abigail Roberts Presents Today While she was a McGillicuddy Humanities Center Undergraduate Fellow current MA student Abigail Roberts wrote an Honors Thesis under the supervision of Sarah Harlan-Haughey titled Otherworldly Ethics: Trouthe and the Fairy Mistress in the Lays of Lanval, Graelent, […]

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