
This Week in English | January 24-30, 2022

Creative Writing Club Meetings and Readings in Spring Storied is the long-standing undergraduate creative writing group organized by UMaine English students. This semester they plan to hold meetings on Tuesday evenings at 6pm in the Writer’s Block (NV 302) and readings on the first Saturday of every month, also in the Block. Students are encouraged […]

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This Week in English | December 6-12, 2021

Celebrate Emily Dickinson Tuesday at 4:30 The fifteenth annual Dickinson Birthday Poetry Reading, organized by Kathleen Ellis, will be held at 4:30 on December 7, 2021. This year’s event is sponsored by the Honors College and will be held on Zoom rather than in person in the University Bookstore as in years past. Ellis invites […]

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This Week in English | November 29 – December 5, 2021

English Major Molly Glueck Awarded CUGR Fellowship Second-year English Major Molly Glueck was awarded a Center for Undergraduate Research (CUGR) fellowship earlier this fall for research she’ll be conducting under the mentorship of Elizabeth Neiman. Here is how Glueck describes the project: “Black Annotation” is a method forged by Christina Sharpe in her search to […]

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This Week in English | November 22-28, 2021

As we head into a holiday week dedicated to the performative utterance of offering thanks, it feels timely to begin this week’s bulletin by thanking all of you who receive, read, and sometimes contribute to This Week in English. Whether you’re a first semester English major, an advanced undergraduate, a member of our faculty, a […]

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This Week in English | November 15-21, 2021

You’ll find a dozen items in this week’s “double issue” of the bulletin (making up for a skip last Monday). TL;DR, you think? Au contraire! Things to do, money to make (think: paid internships), publications to celebrate, covers to reveal, poems to read. And if you have an item for next time, send it our […]

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This Week in English | November 1-7, 2021

New Writing Series Hosts Fiction Writers on Thursday This Thursday the New Writing Series will feature Morgan Talty and Katie Lattari, two novelists with close ties to the department, the university, and the community. The event will be held live in the Fernald APPE Space (Stewart Commons 104) starting at 4:30pm on November 4, 2021. […]

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Heather Falconer

If there is one thing you should know about me, it’s that I strongly dislike labels and boundaries. In fact, the fastest way to get me to do something is to tell me that it’s not possible or allowed! I believe that, if we are willing to challenge what we think we know and what […]

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This Week in English | October 25-31, 2021

This week’s bulletin includes information about the department’s undergraduate literary journal, internship opportunities in the spring and beyond, an event commemorating a Quebecois poet’s legacy, an update from an emeritus professor, a glimpse into the first-year composition program, a preview of an upcoming fiction reading, and a link to the Maine Campus‘s coverage of a […]

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This Week in English | October 18-23, 2021

King Chair Hosts Susan Choi this Thursday and Friday On Thursday, October 21st, 5:30pm-6:30pm, National Book Award-winning novelist Susan Choi will be giving a talk and reading from her novel Trust Exercise as part of the Stephen E. King Chair Lecture Series. This event will take place in the Minsky Recital Hall (adjacent to the […]

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This Week in English | October 11-17, 2021

Stephen King Talks about Writing with English Majors  International bestselling author and University of Maine alumnus Stephen King was on campus October 4th and 5th to speak with two groups of undergraduate English majors about writing and his career.  The hour-long discussions, each with fifteen students, were organized by UMaine professor Caroline Bicks, who holds […]

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