This Week in English | March 21-27, 2022
As we return from spring break with six weeks remaining in the academic year, advising for the fall term gets underway in earnest. English majors are encouraged to reach out to their academic advisors to schedule an appointment. The CLAS Advising and Academic Services Center is also available to help. English minors do not have assigned advisors but can consult with current or previous instructors and can also pose questions here. Here’s to building a fall semester we can all look forward to! And if you have news to share about your spring, don’t be shy!
New Issue of Windsor Review
Hollie Adams, assistant professor in the Department of English, is fiction editor of the Windsor Review, whose newest issue was published last week. Established in 1965, the Windsor Review is among Canada’s oldest active literary journals and has featured the work of writers like Marshall McLuhan, Joyce Carol Oates, and W.P. Kinsella.
Summer Employment at 4-H Camps & Learning Centers
Our colleagues at Cooperative Extension pass along news of this cool opportunity for summer employment:
The UMaine 4-H Learning Centers provide immersive summer camps and school-year outdoor education programs for youth. Participants learn new skills that increase their awareness and understanding of ways that we live. We hire a variety of individuals from different backgrounds who come together to form a dynamic community and create awesome experiences for thousands of youth and teens.
We look for staff who recognize the importance of being a good role model, are committed to educating about our connections to the earth and who genuinely enjoy working with youth. The skills gained at camp are those which last a lifetime and are valued to future employers. And, being a part of UMaine opens up new doors for internships and project opportunities!
Activism, Advocacy, and Social Justice Talk on Wednesday
Our colleagues in WGS are hosting a Zoom talk on Wednesday from 5:15-6:15pm. The topic is “Activism, Advocacy, and Social Justice” and the speaker is Dr. Diana Sierra Becerra, an Assistant Professor in History at UMaine Amherst. More information about the event, including the Zoom link, can be found here.
Writing Center Workshops Continue
Director Paige Mitchell reminds us that the Writing Center has a series of speed-reading workshops underway that continues this Tuesday at 2pm. “They’re free, fun and very practical,” she writes. In this three part series attendees will learn the skills of active reading and how to maximize their critical processing and retention capabilities.
We’re Hiring
The English Department is currently searching for an administrative specialist to assist with a wide variety of administrative and clerical duties during the academic year. The full position description, along with application instructions, can be found here. As many readers of the bulletin will already know, Ellen Manzo retired from the position early in the New Year. There can be no “replacing” her, but finding a worthy successor is our goal and we appreciate your help in spreading the word about this opportunity to join our community.
Living Unhoused Event Next Monday
On Monday, March 28th at 6:00pm, Brian Pitman, an Assistant Professor in Sociology here at UMaine, will be facilitating a conversation with three formerly and currently unhoused people in the Greater Bangor Area. The conversation is titled “Living Unhoused: The Realities of Unhoused People in Bangor” and Dr. Pitman invites you to “join us as we dive into a discussion on the impact of Maine’s ongoing housing crisis so that we can best work to facilitate change and care for our communities.” This event, which will take place via Zoom, is sponsored by the McGillicuddy Humanities Center at UMaine and the Cultural Affairs/Distinguished Lecture Series Fund.
This Week in English 123 was sent to students, faculty, staff, alumni, and friends of the department on Monday, March 21, 2022. If you would rather not receive these weekly bulletins, please reply with <unsubscribe> in your subject line. Earlier installments are archived on our website. If you’re on Facebook, please consider joining the newly formed English Department Group.
If you would like to support the mission of the English Department, please consider a donation to the Annual Fund through this secure online portal.