Laura Cowan

Associate Professor of English
405 Neville Hall
University of Maine
Orono, Maine 04469-5752 U.S.A.

Office Telephone: 207.581.3830


Office Hours – by appointment

Director, Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies


Laura Cowan brings to our department a special expertise in Modern British Literature and an interest in Environmental Literature.

Courses Taught


ENG 558 Modern British Literature

Undergraduate Level

ENG 101 College Composition
ENG 170 Foundations of Literary Analysis
ENG 212 Persuasive and Analytical Writing
ENG 222 Reading Poems
ENG 235 Literature and the Modern World
ENG 238 Nature and Literature
ENG 252 English Literature Survey – Romanticism to the Present
ENG 458 British Modernism
ENG 459 Contemporary British Literature

Selected Publications

Books and Journals:

Rebecca West New York: Twayne Publishers/Macmillan, forthcoming.

Yeats Eliot Review, edited with an introduction. Special Yeats Double Issue, Guest Editor. Volume XII (Winter 1994). T.S. Eliot, Man and Poet, edited with an introduction: Orono: National Poetry Foundation, 1990.


“Movement into Vision: Gordon Craig’s Influence on W.B. Yeats’ Revision of The Countess Cathleen,” New Essays on Yeats, edited by Russell Murphy Dallas: Northouse and Northouse, 1995.

“‘A Language of Limits Articled to Error’ in W.H. Auden’s ‘In Time of War'”, Language and Style 1994. “The Elegy and Modernism,” Studies in the Humanities, Spring, 1993, 56-68. “Environmental Education in a Literary Context,” Humanities Education, Summer 1990: 17-24.