Paige Mitchell

Lecturer in Composition
Director of the Writing Center
PhD Candidate

413 Neville Hall
Orono ME 04469-5752

Office Telephone: 207.581.3832


Office Hours – by appointment

Paige Mitchell is the University of Maine’s Writing Center Director and full-time senior lecturer in the Department of English. She teaches writing courses in translingual composition, Writing Center peer-tutoring, interdisciplinary research, and business & technical writing. Mitchell is a current PhD candidate in UMaine’s Department of Education, researching female empowerment in populations of college students and incarcerated women. She is an alumna of UMaine (B.A., M.A.) with dual concentrations in Creative and Professional & Technical Writing, (magna cum laude, B.A., 2009); an Honors College graduate (Highest Honors, B.A., 2009); and holds concentrations in gender and literature (magna cum laude, M.A., 2011).

She has co-authored research articles in Writing Studies and Gender Studies, and presents academically on promoting pedagogies of gender equality. Her current specializations are in literacy and education and include Writing Center mentoring and student leadership, translingual pedagogy, and multimodal communication.

To date she has mentored 29 undergraduates and two graduates through Writing Center research projects and/or academic publication. Recent highlights include mentoring two National Writing Project Fellows (summer, 2022); serving as faculty mentor for two McGillicuddy awardees (academic year 2021-22); and mentoring eight Writing Center tutors through earning research grants, IRB approval, and presenting at three regional academic conferences (2017).

She began directing the University of Maine’s Writing Center in 2014, and continues her predecessor’s legacy, Professor Emeritus Harvey Kail, in supporting the professional development of peer-tutors in attaining their overarching career goals. Visit and contribute to his co-authored Peer Tutor Alumni Research Project here.

Courses Taught:

At the University of Maine:

ENG 101: College Composition

ENG 101: Translingual Composition

ENG 315: Research Writing Across the Disciplines

ENG 317: Business and Technical Writing

ENG 395: English Internship

Study Group

English for Academic purposes (EAP), introductory levels: Reading and Writing

At Ellsworth Senior College

Maine’s French Experience


Dryer, Dylan. Paige Mitchell. “Seizing an Opportunity for Translingual FYC at UMaine: Provocative Complexities, Unexpected Consequences.” Crossing Divides: Exploring Translingual Writing Pedagogies and Programs. Edited by Bruce Horner and Laura Tetrault. Utah State University Press, 2017: 135-160.

Mitchell, Paige, Mimi Killinger, Rachel Binder Hathaway, and Emily Patrick. “Mothers in Honors.” Journal of the National Collegiate Honors Council 14.1 (Spring/Summer 2013): 37-45. Print.

Mitchell, Paige. “La langue et l’identité.” Le Forum 36.2 (Spring 2013): 19-23. Print.

—. “La langue et l’identité.” Veritas 2 (Automne 2013): 97-101. La Lingua

Academic Presentations

Invited: Interactive Workshop Presentation: Fostering Belonging and Connectivity in a Post Pandemic Environment. Literacy Connections Conference (May, 2023)

Invited: Co-Presentation with UMaine peer-tutors: Brooke Curtis & Nolan Altvater: Empathic Peer-Tutoring: UMaine Writing Center Culture. Maine Literacy Connections Conference. April, 2020. (Canceled due to Covid-19)

Accepted: Co-Presentation with Erika Dixon, Orono High School Writing Center Director, and Peer-Tutors: Allie Requena & Nolan Altvater: Writing Center Feedback Loops: A Four-Year History of Secondary and Postsecondary Collaborative Learning Between Orono High School & University of Maine Writing Centers. MECLA. March, 2020. (Canceled due to Covid-19)

Invited: Presentation: Dolls to Divas: Women and Self-Actualization. American Association of University Women. March, 7, 2020.

Invited: Presentation: Authorizing Your Own Research Funding. University of Maine Graduate School Winter Grant Writing Week. January, 2020.

Invited: Co-Presentation with Erika Dixon, Orono High School Writing Center Director, and Peer-Tutors: Connor Ferguson & Nolan Altvator (Umaine) Sophie Bilodeau, Theo Erikson Haddad (OHS): Writing Center Feedback Loops: A Four-Year History of Secondary and Postsecondary Collaborative Learning Between Orono High School & University of Maine Writing Centers. Maine Writing Project. November, 2019.

Invited: Co-Presentation with William Nichols, Susan Bennett-Armistead: Promoting a Collaborative Educational Program in a Correctional Setting: What Now? What’s Next? Project June, 2019. Co-Presentation with Peer-Tutor Cara Morgan: A Five-Year History of Tutor Research Initiatives at the University of Maine. NEWCA. March, 2019.

Invited: Presentation: (Re)Viewing Your Composition Strategies. University of Maine Graduate School Grant Writing Workshop. January, 2019.

Olympia Snowe Women’s Leadership Institute. December, 2018.

Panel Presentation: Scholarship Application Skills University of Maine Office of Major Scholarships. November, 2018.

Panel Presentation: University of Maine Office of Major Scholarships. March, 2018.

Co-Presentation: with Ryan Dippre and Kat Dubois: Building Bridges: Exploring and Strengthening TA – Tutor Alignment. NEWCA, March, 2018.

Panel Presentation: University of Maine Graduate School Grant Writing Workshop. January, 2018.

Co-presentation with Michelle Lisi and Stacy Brownlie (VAWLT administrators): University of Maine We Did the Mash! Exploring Online Training and Peer Learning through Collaboration. May, 2017.

Conference Moderator. Panel Presentations for eight Writing Center Peer Tutors: NEWCA (April, 2017) MECLA (March, 2017) CUGR (May, 2017).

Co-presentation with Dylan Dryer and Brian Doore: Faculty selection of evidence in student writing. Linking coded text features with traits on the AAC&U Written Communication rubric to examine how faculty formulate their judgments: AACU General Education and Assessment Conference. February, 2017.

Conference Co-presentation with Ryan Dippre: Writing New Stories: Threshold Concepts as a Bridge Between Writing Centers and Writing Programs. NEWCA. April, 2016.

Conference Moderator for Panel Presentation with Writing Center Peer Tutors: Morgan Jewett-Kent, Sarah LeFave, Ray Peck, Chris Sargent, Jimmy Ozog, Alexandria Mooney: “Transforming Writing Centers to Multiliteracy Centers. MCELA, March, 2016.

Conference Moderator for Panel Presentation with Writing Center Peer Tutors: Morgan Jewett-Kent, Sarah LeFave, Jimmy Ozog, Alexandria Mooney, Chris Sargent, Drew Beaupre, Jacqueline Palmer, Grace Marshall, Shelby Colburn Transforming the Writing Center into a Multimodal Literacy Center. CUGR symposium, May, 2016.

Conference Moderator for Panel Presentation with Writing Center Peer Tutors: Madeline Kelly, Morghen Tidd, Ben Bucklin, Charlie Griffeth, Catherine Packard Empowering a Writer’s Voice: Examining the Personal Pronoun and Identity. NEWCA. April, 2015.

Conference Co-presentation with Dylan Dryer: Seizing an Opportunity for Translingual FYC at UMaine: Provocative Complexities, Unexpected Consequences. CCCC. March, 2013.

Conference Presentation. Franco-Americans and White Ethnicities. The Living Past: Franco American Identity in the Modern World. University of Maine. 2011


To see more, view Paige Mitchell’s CV.