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Department of English

Hollie Adams, Greg Howard, and Jennifer Moxley

IMRC Stewart Commons 104, Orono, Maine

The New Writings Series returns from its pandemic hiatus on Thursday, September 30, with an event showcasing new work by Creative Writing faculty members Hollie Adams, Greg Howard, and Jennifer Moxley. The event, which is free and open to the public, starts at 4:30pm in the Allen and Sally Fernald APPE Space (Stewart Commons 104). […]

Millay Poetry Prize Reading

IMRC Center 104 Stewart Commons/UMaine, Orono, ME, United States

The New Writing Series celebrates the Millay Poetry Prize with a reading featuring Kathleen Ossip (external judge), Kat Dubois (first prize), and Paul Eaton (second prize).

Fiction Reading by Katie Lattari and Morgan Talty

IMRC Stewart Commons 104, Orono, Maine

Fiction writers Katie Lattari and Morgan Talty are featured in the fourth event of the fall 2021 New Writing Series. The event, which is free and open to the (masked) public, is co-sponsored by the Honors College as part of their Honors 180: Cultural Odyssey.

Millay Prize Poetry Reading

Adam Ray Wagner and Christopher Thomas read with Rae Armantrout in a Zoom event celebrating the 2021 Millay Prize for Poetry.

English Department Recognition Ceremony

The Writing Center (Neville 402) Flagstaff Road, Orono, Maine

We celebrate the accomplishments of the academic year with a recognition ceremony to be held in the Writing Center (fourth floor of Neville Hall) on Monday afternoon, May 2, starting at 4pm.

Event Series Storied: Creative Writing Club

Storied: Creative Writing Club

The Writer's Block Neville Hall

Storied is a student-run creative writing club that meets every Monday at 6pm. Come join fellow writers and poets as we follow writing prompts and exercises, explore tropes, share original work, and discuss our favorite literature. Find us in the Writer's Block on the third floor of Neville Hall. Spring 2023 semester Storied is led […]

Event Series Storied: Creative Writing Club

Storied: Creative Writing Club

The Writer's Block Neville Hall

Storied is a student-run creative writing club that meets every Monday at 6pm. Come join fellow writers and poets as we follow writing prompts and exercises, explore tropes, share original work, and discuss our favorite literature. Find us in the Writer's Block on the third floor of Neville Hall. Spring 2023 semester Storied is led […]

Event Series Storied: Creative Writing Club

Storied: Creative Writing Club

The Writer's Block Neville Hall

Storied is a student-run creative writing club that meets every Monday at 6pm. Come join fellow writers and poets as we follow writing prompts and exercises, explore tropes, share original work, and discuss our favorite literature. Find us in the Writer's Block on the third floor of Neville Hall. Spring 2023 semester Storied is led […]

Event Series Storied: Creative Writing Club

Storied: Creative Writing Club

The Writer's Block Neville Hall

Storied is a student-run creative writing club that meets every Monday at 6pm. Come join fellow writers and poets as we follow writing prompts and exercises, explore tropes, share original work, and discuss our favorite literature. Find us in the Writer's Block on the third floor of Neville Hall. Spring 2023 semester Storied is led […]
