Author: sevans

This Week in English | April 6-12, 2020

We’re Here For You Our motto since March 11 has been “Let’s make it to May and take it from there.” As we endeavor to learn together, while apart and under duress, I want every student to know that the faculty in the English Department are here for you, not just to help with a […]

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This Week in English | March 25 – 29, 2020

Everyone has a lot to handle right now, including even more messages in their in-boxes than usual, so this bulletin will be on the brief side. What I most want to communicate, especially to the students reading this, is that we as a department remain absolutely committed to your education and your well-being in these […]

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This Week in English | March 9-15, 2020

Sabrina Orah Mark Reads Today The literary journal Thieves & Liars, co-edited by MA candidates Tori Hood and Martin Conte, and the Stephen E. King Chair of Literature are excited to announce that author Sabrina Orah Mark is visiting campus today, March 9. She led a writing workshop at 1pm and will give a public […]

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This Week in English | March 2-8, 2020

This installment of the bulletin announces the 2020 Grady Award winners, offers previews of the events taking place this week (spoiler: amazing cultural events every single day), and closes with a tip on reading poetry from Renaissance humanist Giovanni Boccaccio. Readers are invited to share their news for possible inclusion in future bulletins!  Steve Grady […]

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This Week in English | February 24 – March 1, 2020

English Alumna Receives Bernard Lown Humanitarian Award The UMaine Alumni Association recently announced that English alumna Janine di Giovanni ’83 has been selected to receive the Bernard Lown Humanitarian Award for 2020. Di Giovanni is an internationally prominent war correspondent and best-selling author. She has written seven books and won more than twelve major awards […]

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This Week in English | February 17 – 23, 2020

Internship Opportunities February is internship month at UMaine! An internship offers English majors and minors the chance to use their writing skills in a workplace, try an English-related job on for size, and gain experience that will help them to land a job after graduation. Many internships are paid. Taking ENG 496, after or during […]

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This Week in English | February 10 – 16, 2020

The Writers’ Block: Introducing a New Space for English Students Please join us on Thursday afternoon, February 13 from 1:00pm-3:00pm, for snacks, activities, and a raffle to celebrate the opening of a newly reappointed space for English students to meet, talk, write, and collaborate. Designed by new faculty members Hollie Adams (creative writing) and Katie […]

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This Week in English | February 3 – 9, 2020

I hope the third week of classes finds you settling into a productive rhythm, everyone. A quick reminder about two deadlines: today is the last day to drop a class without having it appear on your transcript, and we’ve also extended the deadline for submissions to the Grady Awards for Creative Writing until the end […]

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This Week in English | January 27 – February 2, 2020

Welcome back, everyone. It’s a pleasure to report that Neville Hall is bustling with activity as the spring 2020 semester gets underway. Readers of the bulletin are reminded that we welcome updates from students, faculty, and alumni at Let us know what you’re reaching, writing, and doing, and we’ll be sure to spread the […]

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This Week in English | December 16 – 22, 2019

End of Semester Projects in Three English Classes Students in English 355: Eighteenth-Century Fiction, Satire, and Poetry with Deborah Rogers just wrapped up their “Wikipedia Editing Marathon.” According to Rogers, “This was the class’s chance to shine, and shine they did! Students worked on Wikipedia pages for many of the authors we’ve studied. They did […]

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